Product description
There are many ways to use the provocations in a variety of settings and with educators at all levels of formal qualifications and experience. Primarily catering to educators working with very young children (birth to three-year-olds), these cards can also be adapted for use with children of any age. Their use will result in a better learning experience for children, families and educators. Start the conversation.
- behaviour
- curriculum opportunities
- engaging for connection
- enriching environments
- family beliefs and values
- image of the child
- image of the educator
- pedagogy
- relationship with families
- the empowered child
These provocations address fundamental aspects of good practice, inviting educators to re-examine commonly held beliefs and principles, and share different perspectives. Some provocations may seem inconsequential, but they can lead to debate and discussion. Controversy is intended, as disagreements can lead to new insights and positive change.
Educators can use the cards, preferably in discussion with others, and the collection is also a resource for educational leaders, lectures and other providers of professional learning. Although the focus is very young children, much of the content applies to work with children over three years of age.
Each card has four sections:
One or more examples.
Longstanding professional view: the principles, beliefs and knowledge that have informed Anne’s teaching, writing ad consulting in the ECEC profession.
Current thoughts: reflections and questions arising from Anne’s current experience as a grandmother.
Considerations: questions to discuss and suggestions for action.