Learning Through Play Poster Bundle: Each poster focuses on a different aspect of play—physical, social and creative—emphasising the skills children build through joyful, imaginative experiences. Perfect for service foyers and classrooms or home learning environments, these posters offer practical tips for families and educators to foster and extend play-based learning. They also provoke conversations with families about the value of play for every child.
ECA Statement on Play: The Statement considers play and young children aged from birth to eight years. The right to play, however, extends to every child of any age, ability or background and is relevant in schools and other learning environments, services and communities in which children participate.
ECA Statement on Play: Play Principles for Educators and Leaders: This version of the Statement highlights the crucial role and expertise of early childhood educators and teachers in supporting young children’s play and promoting awareness of its impacts for the whole child.
ECA Statement on Play: Play Principles for Families, Parents and Carers: This version of the Statement encourages deeper understanding and cooperation between families, policymakers, planners and early childhood professionals so that play experiences are available to all children across Australia—everywhere they live, learn and participate in the community.