Being the champion for children who are impacted by trauma and adversity


As an early childhood professional, you play a vital role in understanding how children can respond if they are exposed to trauma, implementing strategies around fostering warm and responsive relationships and creating safe and nurturing environments for all children.

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Children who experience trauma can have their sense of belonging and identity impacted. For some, this impact can be lifelong. It is critical that we are aware of the different types of trauma that children might be exposed to and how this can affect the ways in which they:

  • develop positive attachments
  • form trusting relationships
  • regulate their emotions
  • discover their sense of identity
  • develop interpersonal skills necessary for life.

This course is suitable for early childhood professionals to develop trauma-aware practices and offer all children the opportunity to develop the skills to form a strong sense of identity and the ability to self-regulate. This is an introduction to trauma and should be completed by anyone interested in developing an understanding of trauma-aware practices within any early childhood context.

Learning outcomes

In this course, you will:

  1. understand that exposure to trauma can have a lifelong impact on children
  2. learn how to become trauma-aware
  3. develop skills to support children who are impacted by trauma
  4. understand your role in developing trusting and secure relationships with children.

Additional information

Course Duration

1 hour

Links to the National Quality Standard

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Australian Professional Standards for Teachers

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Australian Qualifications Framework