Rediscovering the planning cycle: EYLF (V2.0)

$35.00$31.50 Member Price

Presented by Rod Soper, this practical course will help you rediscover the Early Years Learning Framework (V2.0) planning cycle and show you how it can be used to reinvigorate not only your thinking but also your approach to children’s learning and development. By addressing common misconceptions, the course will outline how to avoid making mistakes when using the planning cycle and foster strong analytical thinking skills within teams.

This course is suitable for educators at any stage of their career.

SKU: WEBINAR070 Category: Tag:


In this course, you will:
• revisit and rediscover the planning cycle
• learn about the common misconceptions related to the planning cycle
• reflect on your thinking around the planning cycle
• learn to approach planning with diversity of mind

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Additional information


Rod Soper


60 minutes webcast

Australian Qualifications Framework

Level 3

National Quality Standard

Quality Area 1 Educational program and practice
Standard 1.1 Program
Standard 1.3 Assessment and planning

Australian Professional Standards for Teachers

Standard 3—Professional practice. Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning.
Standard 5—Professional practice. Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning.

The Early Years Learning Framework

Outcome 1―Children have a strong sense of identity
Outcome 2―Children are connected with and contribute to their world
Outcome 3―Children have a strong sense of wellbeing
Outcome 4―Children are confident and involved learners
Outcome 5―Children are effective communicators