Nature kindergartens and forest schools (2nd edn)


By Claire Warden

This title provides a balance of academic research and case studies of children’s voices to explore all the facets of setting up and co-ordinating a Nature Kindergarten. Claire Warden’s Philosophy of the Nature Kindergartens is an awe inspiring blend of a naturalistic space indoors, a landscape designed by children and a wild space where children can be outside for up to 90 percent of their day all year round. Full colour photography throughout brings the books to life through the children’s learning stories.

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About the author

Claire is an award winning lecturer who now has an international reputation for pioneering work in education. Her key areas of work have focused on motivational maths, consulting children, and children’s connection to the natural world. The skill she has to connect to people wherever she works and her methodology is being implemented by policy makers in many countries around the world. This in turn inspires governments, lecturers, practitioners, and communities to create high quality education for their children.

Additional information

Weight 0.523 kg
Dimensions 29.5 × 21 × 0.8 cm