Programming and Planning in Early Childhood Settings (8th ed)


By Leonie Arthur, Bronwyn Beecher, Elizabeth Death, Sue Dockett and Sue Farmer

Programming and planning in early childhood settings explores a range of approaches to curriculum and to documenting children’s learning in early childhood settings. This valuable resource for early childhood education students and practitioners provides a broad view of the concepts and issues in early childhood curriculum.

Chapters reflect ongoing discussions about what is meant by the terms ‘planning’ and ‘programming’ in the context of early childhood, what is authentic curriculum for young children, and effective teaching strategies to extend young children’s learning.

The strong focus on sociocultural theories of learning promotes awareness of children’s diverse experiences, competencies and learning styles, and helps readers recognise the need for collaborative partnerships between educators, children and families in order to develop appropriate programs.

Thoroughly revised and updated, this new edition shows how chapters of the text are relevant to the Australian Professional Standards for teachers, and highlights connections to the school-based context.

Numerous real-life examples, reflections, articles and case studies assist students to understand a variety of educational theories, philosophies and frameworks. Throughout the book there is a focus on the processes of reflection, evaluation and ongoing improvement.

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  • Examples throughout the text demonstrate how the concepts and theory you are learning about have been applied in real-life settings by specific child-care centres and professionals.
  • Updated to reflect the latest developments in the Australian early childhood scene, keeping students at the forefront of best practice.
  • Provides information on continuity of learning and transition to school, with specific strategies to support children, families and educators to experience a smooth transition and strengthen relationships and communication across settings.
  • Features a strong focus on working in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, along with extensive examples from early childhood settings in central Australia.
  • ‘Reflection points’ within the chapters encourage students to pause and reflect on the material they have just read and their own practices, to facilitate ongoing learning.
  • Help your students to review, practice and extend their knowledge using the revision and extension resources in the CourseMate Express website.

Additional information

Weight 0.94 kg
Dimensions 27.5 × 21 × 2.5 cm







Cengage Learning Australia

Year Published